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Omaha, NE 68137
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4501 S 35th Street, Ste 2
Omaha, NE 68107





Food Service

Food Marketing Institute

Food Safety



Quality - Consistency - Value


Founded in 1996, this certified 8A minority owned and operated business is located in the home of the finest quality corn fed beef in the world.  Our products are USDA inspected and approved.  Only 100% corn fed Midwestern English Bred Cattle are selected for their exceptional degree of marbeling, overall size and conformation, maturity and cut ability.

About All American

Shawn Buchanan, president of All American Meats, Inc., has grown his beef-producing firm into a multi million dollar company. Founded in 1996, this certified 8A minority owned and operated business is located in the home of the finest quality corn fed beef in the world.  All American Meats, Inc. has achieved success through the SBA's 8(a) program and will target new areas for customer-based growth, including hotel restaurants, casinos, institutional facilities and exports.  He will also reach out to government agencies.


Highest standards of quality control are maintained to ensure you receive the finest quality of beef products which are always fresh, tender, flavorful, wholesome and healthy.  Our products are USDA inspected and approved.  Only 100% corn fed Midwestern English Bred Cattle are selected for their exceptional degree of marbeling, overall size and conformation, maturity and cut ability.  We give our customers the highest form of recognition - We treat you as an individual.


#1 Rule

"If we don't take care of the customer... Somebody else will!"